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22.4) DIVINE GUIDANCE: Meaningfulness: Discovering Truth Is God’s Plan! Each and every one of us need to willingly join His Divine Paradigm! In exchange for everything that he had given humans, he asked them to honor one obligation, to not eat of the fruit from the tree that held the knowledge of good and evil.  This is when God allowed man to first be tempted, and man first discovered that he had a free will choice in the matter.  Up until now, God was the loving father and man was the dutiful, compliant son, obedient to every instruction from the father out of ignorance of his ability to choose.

22.5) DIVINE GUIDANCE: Divine Purposeful Intent: While God had created and set into perpetual motion the universe, the solar system, the planet Earth, earth’s biosphere, all living things, human life, and had given man dominion over all, it was all on instinctive auto-pilot.  He knew, that for mankind to evolve in to their fullest capacity, they had to develop self-will and determination.  So, God gave man the desire to want to seek him and want become like him, God knew he had to let go of the control, and God had to allow them to learn to live their lives on their own, and learn to be responsible on their own. God’s goal for mankind is simply this: Earth and the entire universe will continue to follow the DNA-encoded patterns that God himself created and had set into motion; it will function per design as a self-correcting, slowly evolving biosphere. God has placed mankind directly into this system not because he did not love mankind, but actually just the opposite. God wants humans to grow into maturity as his love calls to them to come home to him, on their own free will.

22.6) DIVINE GUIDANCE: Identifying the Prize: How do we find just the right word to describe the feeling of PURITY?  We will recognize it in the depths of our soul the moment we call out the proper name. Without it, nothing has meaning! With it, everything has meaning! It surrounds us with warmth and satisfaction! It fills us with inner comfort that can only come with absolute pureness of being! It resonates out infinite gloriousness of tone, providing the ultimate KEY-NOTE that everything in the universe tunes itself to seeking divine harmonic resonance in the purest[G1]  form. It is the source of all energy and power, things beautiful and glorious, it is the clarion call of the MASTER Himself! Heralding his presence, setting us right and calling us to his readiness!  Once experienced, it inexhaustibly draws us back to him like a homing beacon to the lost. We crave the journey to it as much as we cherish the contentment from it.

22.7) DIVINE GUIDANCE: Harmonic Resonance: We are not describing mere pleasure, happiness, or merriment, no! While each of these are critical ingredient flavors of the one KEY-NOTE, on their own they lack the substance and staying power, to quick and fleeting he knows that we need to add texture, contrast, and depth to our description. The conductor takes every opportunity to blend these notes into our lives, judiciously reserved for both a melody line as well as the drivenness of a solid baseline, and everything in between.

​23.1) DIVINE JOYOUSNESS, The Divine Architect has provided the ultimate KEY-NOTE that everything in the universe tunes itself to seeking divine harmonic resonance in the purest[G2]  form. It is the source of all energy and power, things beautiful and glorious, it is the clarion call of the MASTER Himself! Heralding his presence, setting us right and calling us to his readiness!  Once experienced, it inexhaustibly draws us back to him like a homing beacon to the lost. We crave the journey to it as much as we cherish the contentment from it. In order to satisfy the needs of stewardship, we must build off of a base that sustains us through times of trial and endurance, delivering the victorious feeling in our soul that satisfies our entire being. We are not describing mere pleasure, happiness, or merriment, no! For each of these are critical ingredient flavors of the one KEY-NOTE.

23.3) DIVINE[RRP3]  CONDUCTOR:  This is the foundation tone associated with the triumphal march after overcoming a long, hard battle with a worthy adversary.  The resounding trumpet tone that rings out the victorious, authentic feeling in our soul that satisfies our entire being, filling every cell and atom with contentment. t on their own they lack the substance and staying power, to quick and fleeting. Take every opportunity to blend these notes into our lives, judiciously reserved for highlighting special times and adding memory-making punctuation.

23.4) DIVINE GUIDANCE: Meaningfulness: Every day we have the opportunity to further sharpen our focus on living a distinctly purposeful existence, thus receiving a deeper sense Divine-God’s Plan for our lives. as we intentionally study our intended function in this world we will become truly filled with awe and wonder at the magnificent beauty of his plan and its expression of omnipotent perfection.  the systematic precision, the balanced synchronized symmetry, the completeness, and attention to detail In God’s perfect paradigm we are called to run our best race, to go for the gold medal, and challenge each other for the purpose of bringing out the best in each other.

23.5) DIVINE-GUIDANCE: Convergence

23.6) DIVINE-GUIDANCE: Joyous Victory:

23.7) DIVINE-GUIDANCE: Eternal Loving


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COPYRIGHT 2024 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - RRPETERSON, INC  BILLINGS MONTANA  PUBLISHER: Hereby, and Under no circumstances shall any portion of this original material be intentionally reproduced by any photographic,  photocopying, scribe dictation, handwritten, or similar mechanical or electronic means without written permission by the  Author and Publisher, except in the case of brief usage, notated in quotations, with source identification embodied & referenced in articles and reviews. Limits Of Liability & Disclaimer Of Warranty:  The Author, Ralph R Peterson, independently created and assembled this material into a Book, Web Site, and Training Program to inform and educate people interested in the subject matter. This material is not a contract or agreement (written, verbal, or otherwise implied) and does not guarantee or warrant the material’s performance in any way, shape or forum.

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